Plans Don’t Always Workout

Wednesday April 5, 2015 I am a planner. I always have a plan on what I want to do tomorrow, next week, next month, or even next year. I like having a goal and setting a plan to reach that goal. There is nothing wrong with this outlook on life, in fact it is a…

Thoughts on Piestewa Peak Trail

Over the weekend, I successfully conquered Squaw Peak trail in Phoenix. For a beginner in hiking, this was definitely not an easy climb. These are the 10 thoughts that ran through my mind as I hiked up this mountain. The weather is awesome and I am so happy to be getting some fresh air. Oh…

Stuck Between the Past and the Future

Monday April 3, 2017 Today was a bad day. A day filled with choices going wrong, failing at simple tasks, and the general sense of being buried under a series of endless checklists. All of this led to unshakable feelings of anxiety and panic over not being in control of the future. I am stuck…