Stuck Between the Past and the Future

Monday April 3, 2017

Today was a bad day. A day filled with choices going wrong, failing at simple tasks, and the general sense of being buried under a series of endless checklists. All of this led to unshakable feelings of anxiety and panic over not being in control of the future. I am stuck between not being in control of what lies ahead of me and not being able to change what happened in the past.

I need revisit the mistakes I made yesterday and improve upon them to be better for tomorrow. A lot of people say to not dwell on the past. But I believe that it is important to always think back to the past for many reasons. First, it can show you how much progress you have made in becoming the best version of yourself. Second, why not relearn something from past mistakes? And lastly, it serves as a reminder of never to make the same mistake twice. My past is not something I hate because it makes me that much of a better person today.

I hate the feeling of not being in control, of not knowing what I will be doing in my life in a few months. The reason this age is so challenging is because nothing seems to be permanent. Life as we know it today can be completely different in a few days. But this is also what makes it so interesting. It keeps me from becoming complacent, always forcing me to take chances and make mistakes. Everyday is an adventure filled with lessons waiting to be learned.

Today’s Lesson: Reflect on my past and be thankful of how much I’ve learned. Be grateful for a future filled with new opportunities and many more adventures.

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  1. i think that when people say not to dwell on the past they don’t mean to never revisit it. Not dwelling on it just means not getting stuck in it. Some people dwell so much on their past that they miss what is happening in the present. They can’t move forward. Everyone should remember their past because that is how we get to where we are today. We can look back and see how God made the good and bad create who we are. We just shouldn’t get stuck their. And while it’s hard not to be anxious about tomorrow and what lies ahead, we have to remember that God works all things together for our good and He’s in control of all our tomorrows.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. lmadulapally says:

      I completely agree with what you expressed. But I also believe that we are in control of our future and that sometimes life has a funny way to changing things up on us!


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