Plans Don’t Always Workout

Wednesday April 5, 2015

I am a planner. I always have a plan on what I want to do tomorrow, next week, next month, or even next year. I like having a goal and setting a plan to reach that goal. There is nothing wrong with this outlook on life, in fact it is a great outlook. But what happens if something in the plan doesn’t work? What do I do then?

Last August, I had set a goal to accomplish by May. I worked very hard and everything I did was to reach this goal. Now it’s April and I am starting to realize that this goal might not be reached by May. It might take me a few extra weeks or even a few extra months. At first, this really upset me because I felt like I had failed and that I would never reach this goal. Then, because of a few special people and circumstances, I came across a new path.

This new path is not only extremely different than my original goal, but it is something I have never even thought about. I fought with myself for a few days about switching gears. I felt like I was giving up on my original goal. But what if that goal was meant to be unfulfilled because it’s only purpose was to bring me to this new path? What if this new and different path is going to bring me more happiness than the original plan?

Some plans are meant to be fulfilled and some plans are meant for us to discover new ideas and passions. Just because this new path is different and scary does not mean it is not worth taking a chance on. I am going to start on this new journey with an open mind. It is going to be really tough and it will take a lot of effort. But I strongly believe that all the hard work that I have put in so far will not only help me along the journey, but also help me succeed in my next adventure. I am excited and motivated with all the new opportunities and possibilities that will come along the way. This is just another new adventure in my life as a 22 year old.

Today’s Lesson: You are NOT a failure if your plan doesn’t work out exactly how you want it to. Sometimes, plans are meant to fail because they are leading us to a bigger and potentially a better path. Learn from all the accomplishments and take them with you on this new path.

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